Monday, February 14, 2011

The Coach-Star Player Relationship: Players Still Run the Show

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Good for Jerry Sloan.

A Hall of Fame coach says he's had enough, bringing his 23-year run in Utah to an abrupt end in large part because of his clash with the team's superstar. It's a success story because it's Sloan, the Jazz coach whose legacy has long since been set and who at 68 years old could stand to live a less-stressful existence.

Yet Jazz point guard Deron Williams is merely the latest of his kind to pull a power play in the NBA, his battles with Sloan clearly playing a significant part in the coach's decision to step down. It's yet another reminder that the players are in charge around here, a trend that the Miami Three took to new heights last summer, Carmelo Anthony is continuing now with his ongoing Melo-drama and Williams appears to have become part of as well.

There are countless examples of similar situations around the league, unhappy players exerting pressure on a coach they have decided no longer belongs. And it's hardly a habit reserved solely for the stars.

Which brings us to Sacramento.


Ana Paula Lemes Ananda Lewis Angela Marcello

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